Shout About Your Grout!

You spend days agonising over the style and colour of wall tiles, yet choosing the grout is a mere afterthought. But you should give it more consideration because grout plays a key role in turning your tiling creation into a masterpiece.

The colour you choose could be the making of your tiled wall. It will determine whether your eye is drawn to the individual tiles or to the overall pattern. By matching the grout and tile colour, the grout lines become indistinct and the tiles all blend together to create a uniform feature where the individual tiles disappear to give way for one complete picture of beautiful tiling. The closer the colors of grout and tile, the more uniform and textured the installation will look. We pride ourselves on not only supplying some of the best tiles in Perth, but also giving great advice when it comes to grout and other important tiling factors.

Contact our team for further information or better yet visit our showroom for inspiration with your next project.